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Personal Artifact


This is my personal artifact that I chose. It is a screenshot of an Instagram account I used to run for a non-profit organization my friends and I started when we were sophomores in high school. The organization is called Project 4293 Inc. 4293 is the numerical sum of all the genders, religions and races in the world. We chose that number because our organization was made to protect and help others no matter who they are. Our mission statement is to educate, advocate, and protect. We educate the younger generation by holding programs at different schools teaching them about being inclusive and teaching them female empowerment. We advocate for those who can’t advocate for themselves by raising money to give to the victims of hate crimes to help them cover legal fees that they typically would not be able to pay for. We protect by fighting to protect our rights and every other human being’s rights

because we have a voice and others could be too afraid to speak up for themselves because of where they are from or are just not given a voice. I chose this as a personal artifact because although it could seem professional, I feel like it shows who am as a person and what I like doing in my free time, spreading awareness to issues all around the world. The company and Instagram account feel really personal to me and not professional because I really indulge in this as if it is my child. I like fighting for others and I feel like it shows in my artifacts. As a composer I feel like this artifact shows that I compose my work through my feelings and personality. I feel like it also shows that I care about how the company is seen because there is a certain color scheme/theme on the account because I like people to think we are organized and not just kids but people just trying to help other people.

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